LAB-Series Amplifiers: the circuits of what should have been a solid (-state) success …

Here’s the follow up to the last post: an analysis of the circuitry of LAB Series amps. We will try to get into the head of the designers, shake our heads about certain aspects of the input circuitry, applaud the purposeful tone controls, unravel the (not so) mysterious “Multifilter”, wonder about the placement of the […]
Revisiting the amps that should have put “Solid-State” back on the map for guitars: the LAB SERIES amps

The introduction of solid-state technology to the world of the electric guitar was a problem-wrought affair (to put it diplomatically …). In fact, the 1967 Fender foray into transistor technology was near-catastrophic, and almost single handedly made „solid state“ a no-go for guitar players. However, in the late 1970’s, a series of amplifiers showed up […]
Modeling a Tweed Deluxe – with lots of bells and whistles

At long last, another publication on our website! This is in a way a continuation of our last posts which dealt with modeling filters and a wah/volume-pedal. However, it is now getting MUCH better and even more interesting: GITEC-friend and -member Helmut Keller strikes again and presents a comprehensive approach to modeling of a legendary […]
Write your own Wah-Wah plug-in: filter design continued!

In the last post, GITEC-member Helmut Keller discussed the implementation of digital state-variable filters. In a continuation of the theme, this time he goes all-out practical – at least for those computer-minded ones among us who are not adverse to do a teenie-weenie bit of diving into software … With the given instructions it is […]
Filter design: digital state-variable filters!

It’s high time to post something new here! This time it’s not for the faint-hearted but goes more into the nitty-gritty of filters. The topic is the state-variable filter. I first heard of that when I went to university in the 1970’s: Helmuth Lemme (now GITEC honorary member and author of a whole number of […]
New book by Helmuth Lemme with lots of tips and tricks for modding your guitar!

Here’s something that every electric guitarist who works on his instruments, or every technician curious about the innards of electric guitars, will appreciate: GITEC-friend (and honorary member) Helmuth Lemme has published another book – this time exclusively in the e-book format. It is titled: Inside Electric Guitars: Pickups, Pots, Switches … and much more incl. […]
Getting to know your pickup: a tool for measuring the frequency response of the impedance

(Note: this post has been updated to refer to the further developed newest version of the Pickup Wizard!!) Here is something very useful and special: GITEC member Helmut Keller (an expert in instrumentation for studio acoustics/electronics, and for RF, and an avid guitar player) has put together an exciting tool for measuring our pickups: THE […]
Enhanced possibilities: Active Guitar-Electronics

In our third installment of articles by Helmuth Lemme, we go – compared to the last topic of low impedance pickups and a lot of tricks to get various sound out of passive guitar electrics – completely the other way: we are looking at the possibilities that active guitar electronics offer. Once we get over […]
A vintage story: restoring an old Burns Bass

Helmuth Lemme is not just an expert in electronics but also a true hands-on craftsman who loves working on guitars and basses. He has a particular knack for bringing derelict instruments of lesser well-known makes back to life, actually not just restoring them but often making them much better in sound and playability than they […]
Potential trouble-makers in the amp: Passive Offenders

In the last articles posted here, author and guitar & amp expert Helmuth Lemme has been looking at pickups and circuitry in guitars … now we switch to the partners of these instruments, the amplifier. There is a lot of continued discussion about tubes vs. solid-state devices, and indeed these active components are what drives […]