See also Manfred Zollner’s website
Here is a PDF-version of the content:
Contents of “Physics of the Electric Guitar” (PDF)
Inhalt von “Physik der Elektrogitarre” (PDF)
Errata (concerning only the German version of the book)
At GITEC, we have translated the book “Physik der Elektrogitarre” (Physics of the Electric Guitar) into English language. The individual chapters are made available free of charge. The CONTENT LISTING BELOW indicates the chapters as a double entry with a direct link to the respective translation as the respective second entry.
Please note: in the online-version a (small) number of figures and passages is excluded. The complete text including all figures is available only in the printed hard-copy edition (German language).
The (German language) hardcopy edition of the book is now out of print; an electronic PDF-version may be obtained directly from the author (e-mail: manfred.zollner at for a donation.
Well then – here is the complete translation:
0. Tune in – don’t drop out! poteg-00c-0-not-dropping-out
0.1 Barking up some (wrong?) tree poteg-00c-1-barking-up-the-wrong-tree
0.2 Signature guitars poteg-00c-2-signature-guitars
0.3 Strings and the Orcus (cf. Schiller) poteg-00c-3-into-the-orkus
0.4 Unamplified solid body guitars poteg-00c-4-amp-less
0.5 The Growse-Glowsock-Affair poteg-00c-4-the-growse-glowsock-affair
1.1 Transversal waves poteg-1-1-transversal-waves
1.2 Wound strings poteg-1-2-wound-strings
1.3 Inharmonic partials poteg-1-3-inharmonicity
1.3.1 Dispersion in the frequency domain poteg-1-3-1-frequency-domain-dispersion
1.3.2 Dispersion in the time domain poteg-1-3-2-time-domain-dispersion
1.4 Longitudinal waves / dilatational waves poteg-1-4-longitudinal-waves
1.5 Plucking a string poteg-1-5-picking-process
1.5.1 De-convolution of dispersion poteg-1-5-1-deconvolution-dispersion
1.5.2 Plectrum influence poteg-1-5-2-plectrum-influence
1.5.3 String bounce poteg-1-5-3-string-bouncing
1.5.4 String rattle poteg-1-5-4-string-buzz
1.6 The decay of string oscillations poteg-1-6-string-decay
1.6.1 Plane string oscillations poteg-1-6-1-one-degree-of-freedom
1.6.2 Spatial string oscillations poteg-1-6-2-spatial-process
1.6.3 Partial level and summation level poteg-1-6-3-partial-and-summation-levels
1.6.4 Worn out strings poteg-1-6-4-old-strings
1.7 String lifetime poteg-1-7-string-lifetime
2.1 Transversal waves poteg-2-1-transversal-waves
2.2 Image waves as a model for reflection poteg-2-2-mirror-waves
2.3 Standing waves poteg-2-3-standing-waves
2.4 Transient phenomena poteg-2-4-transitory-processes
2.5 Reflection poteg-2-5-calculation-of-reflections
2.5.1 Reflection factor poteg-2-5-1-reflection-factor
2.5.2 A resonator as string bearing poteg-2-5-2-resonator-as-string-bearing
2.6 Internal dissipations poteg-2-6-line-losses
2.7 Dispersive bending waves poteg-2-7-dispersive-bending-waves
2.8 The generalized waveguide model poteg-2-8-generalized-transmission-line-model
2.8.1 Ideal string, bridge pickup poteg-2-8-1-ideal-string-bridge-pickup
2.8.2 String with single-coil pickup poteg-2-8-2-single-coil-pickup
2.8.3 String with humbucking pickup poteg-2-8-3-humbucking-pickup
2.8.4 Dispersive waveguide components poteg-2-8-4-dispersive-line-elements
2.9 Magnetic pickup with dilatational waves poteg-2-9-magnetic-pickup-and-dilatational-waves
3.1 Steel, nickel, bronze poteg-3-1-steel-nickel-bronze
3.2 String loudness poteg-3-2-loudness
3.3 Magnetic string parameters poteg-3-3-magnetic-string-parameters
3.3.1 Measurements with a string loop poteg-3-3-1-string-ring-measurements
3.3.2 The magnetic skin effect poteg-3-3-2-skin-effect
3.3.3 Measurements with a yoke poteg-3-3-4-yoke-measurements
4.1 Fundamentals of magnetostatic poteg-4-1-basics-of-magnetostatics
4.2 The magnetic potentials poteg-4-2-magnetic-potentials
4.3 Matter in the magnetic field poteg-4-3-matter-in-magnetic-fields
4.3.1 Soft magnetic materials – 4.3.2 Hard magnetic materials – 4.3.3 Nonmagnetic materials poteg-4-3-1-3-magnetic-materials
4.4 Pickup magnets poteg-4-4-pickup-magnets
4.4.1 Alnico magnets poteg-4-4-1-alnico-magnets Alnico-III and Alnico-I Alnico-II Alnico-V Additional Alnico materials Comparison of Alnico materials
4.4.2 Cunife magnets poteg-4-4-2-cunife-magnets
4.4.3 Ceramic magnets poteg-4-4-3-ceramic-magnets
4.5 Magnetic aging poteg-4-5-magnet-aging
4.6 The magnetic circuit poteg-4-6-magnet-circuit
4.7 Representation of magnetic fields poteg-4-7-1-field-representation-flux
4.7.1 Magnetic field strength and flux density
4.7.2 Magnetic potentials poteg-4-7-2-3-potentials-fields
4.7.3 Spatial fields
4.8 Field geometry inside materials poteg-4-8-distribution-in-materials
4.9 Mathematic field theory poteg-4-9-field-theory
4.10 Magnetodynamics poteg-4-10-magnetodynamics-induction-inductance
4.10.1 Magnetic voltage induction
4.10.2 Self induction, inductivity
4.10.3 Permeability poteg-4-10-3-permeability
4.10.4 Magnetic losses, magnetic skin effect poteg-4-10-4-magnetic-losses
4.11 Magnetic field forces
4.11.1 Maxwell force poteg-4-11-1-maxwell-force
4.11.2 Field related pitch modulation poteg-4-11-2-field-induced-pitch-deviations
4.11.3 Field related level modulations poteg-4-11-3-field-induced-amplitude-deviations
4.11.4 Field related dissipations poteg-4-11-4-field-induced-damping
4.11.5 Indirect sound effects poteg-4-11-5-indirect-effects-on-sound
4.11.6 Coulomb force poteg-4-11-6-coulomb-7-lorentz-force
4.11.7 Lorentz force
4.12 Magnetic figures of merit (table) poteg-4-12-magnetic-quantities-and-units
5.1 Singlecoil pickups poteg-5-1-singlecoil-pus
5.2 Humbucking pickups poteg-5-2-humbucking-pus
5.3 Coaxial singlecoil pickups poteg-5-3-hum-compensated-sc-pus
5.4 The pickup’s magnetic field
5.4.1 The static field without string poteg-5-4-1-static-magnetic-field
5.4.2 The static field with string poteg-5-4-2-static-magnetic-field-with-string
5.4.3 The alternating magnetic field poteg-5-4-3-alternating-magnetic-field
5.4.4 Magnetic window (aperture) poteg-5-4-4-aperture
5.4.5 Absolute pickup sensitivity poteg-5-4-5-pickup-sensitivity
5.4.6 Staggered, level, and beveled polepieces poteg-5-4-6-staggered-beveled-polepieces
5.4.7 Fender Jaguar and Lace poteg-5-4-7-fender-jaguar-lace
5,4,8 DeArmond Pickups poteg-5-4-8-dearmond-pus
5.5 Basic pickup parameters
5.5.1 DC resistance poteg-5-5-1-dc-resistance
5.5.2 Coil inductance poteg-5-5-2-coil-inductance-capacity
5.5.3 Coil capacity
5.5.4 Resonance quality, Q-factor poteg-5-5-4-resonance-q-factor
5.5.5 Polarity poteg-5-5-5-pu-polarity
5.5.6 Time variance poteg-5-5-6-pu-time-variance
5.5.7 Wire coating, wax poteg-5-5-7-insulating-varnish-wax-and-bobbin
5.5.8 Flatware
5.5.9 Absolute sensitivity, loudness poteg-5-5-9-loudness-dc-resistance
5.6 Pickup measurement devices poteg-5-6-instrumentation-for-pu-measurements
5.7 Hum sensitivity poteg-5-7-sensitivity-to-hum
5.8 Nonlinear distortion poteg-5-8-non-linear-pu-distortion
5.9 Equivalent networks poteg-5-9-equivalent-circuits
5.9.1 Models and analogies
5.9.2 Impedance models Singlecoils with low eddy current losses Eddy currents in the nonmagnetic conductor Equivalent two-pole networks Eddy currents in the magnetic conductor Singlecoils with high eddy current losses Gibson-Humbucker: screw-coil Gibson-Humbucker: plug-coil Gibson-Humbucker: coupling of the coils
5.9.3 Equivalent transmission networks
5.9.4 Connected pickups
5.10 Analysis of the transfer behavior poteg-5-10-transfer-behavior
5.10.1 Measurements with a shaker
5.10.2 Measurements with a Helmholtz coil
5.10.3 Measurements with a coaxial coil
5.10.4 Measurements with a tripole coil
5.10.5 Measurements with a laser-vibrometer
5.10.6 Measurement accuracy
5.10.7 Finite Element Modeling
5.11 Directional characteristic of pickups poteg-5-11-directionality
5.11.1 String polarization
5.11.2 Wave polarization
5.12 Pickup noise poteg-5-12-noise
5.13 Pickup microphonics poteg-5-13-microphonics
5.14 Pickups with shorted turns poteg-5-14-shorts-in-the-winding
5.15 Database poteg-5-15-data-collection
5.16 Patents and Inventions poteg-5-16-inventions-and-discoveries
6.1 The piezoelectric process poteg-6-1-piezo-effect
6.2 Electric loading poteg-6-2-piezo-high-pass-effect
6.3 The piezo pickup as a sensor poteg-6-3-piezo-as-sensor
6.4 Reciprocity – the other way ’round poteg-6-4-reciprocal-piezo
6.5 The piezo pickup as an actuator poteg-6-5-piezo-as-actor
6.6 The disassembled pickup poteg-6-6-piezo-by-itself-in-isolation
6.7 Pickup noise poteg-6-7-noise-in-piezo-applications
6.8 Piezo pickup vs. microphone poteg-6-8-piezo-sound-vs-microphone-sound
6.9 Microphonics poteg-6-9-microphonics
6.10 Differences compared to magnetic pickups poteg-6-10-difference-between-piezo-and-magnetic-pickup
6.A Supplement: Piezoelectric state equations poteg-6-A-piezo-equations-of-state
Translation by Tilmann Zwicker:
7.1 The guitar neck poteg-7-1-neck
7.2 The frets poteg-7-2-frets
7.2.1 Fret positions poteg-7-2-1-fret-positions
7.2.2 Fret materials poteg-7-2-2-fret-materials
7.2.3 The Buzz-Feiten-system poteg-7-2-3-buzz-feiten-system
7.3 Neck and string geometry poteg-7-3-geometry-of-strings-&-neck
7.3.1 Headstock and neck angle poteg-7-3-1-neck-&-headstock-angle
7.3.2 String trees poteg-7-3-2-string-trees
7.4 String dynamics poteg-7-4-string-dynamics
7.4.1 Playing forces poteg-7-4-1-playing-forces
7.4.2 Bearing forces poteg-7-4-2-bearing-forces-at-the-nut
7.5 Reflection and absorption at the bridge/nut poteg-7-5-bearing-forces-at-bridge-&-nut
7.5.1 Reflection and absorption parameter poteg-7-5-1-reflection-&-absorption-parameters
7.5.2 Reflection analysis poteg-7-5-2-analysis-of-reflections
7.5.3 The mechanical bridge impedance poteg-7-5-3-mechanical-bridge-impedance
7.5.4 Measurement results poteg-7-5-4-results-of-measurements
7.6 Vibration measurement techniques poteg-7-6-instrumentation
7.6.1 Impedance / admittance measurements poteg-7-6-1-impedance-&-admittance
7.6.2 The spectrum of decaying tones (Volagramm) poteg-7-6-2-spectrum-of-decaying-partials
7.6.3 The decay time T30 poteg-7-6-3-decay-time-t-30
Translated by Volker Eichhorst, Gabriel Mallory & Tilmann Zwicker:
7.7 Absorption of string oscillation poteg-7-7-absorption-of-string-oscillations
7.7.1 Radiation absorption poteg-7-7-1-radiation-damping
7.7.2 Internal dissipation poteg-7-7-2-internal-damping
7.7.3 Winding attenuation of wound strings poteg-7-7-3-damping-in-wound-strings
7.7.4 Bearing absorption poteg-7-7-4-bearing-damping Coupling of transversal waves poteg-7-7-4-1-transversal-wave-coupling Absorption of longitudinal waves poteg-7-7-4-2-longitudinal-wave-damping Residual absorption poteg-7-7-4-3-residual-string-damping Bearing conductance poteg-7-7-4-4-bearing-conductance
7.7.5 Finger-, hand- and capodaster-attenuation poteg-7-7-5-finger-hand-&-capo-damping
7.7.6 String aging poteg-7-7-6-old-strings
7.7.7 Flatwound strings poteg-7-7-7-flatwound-strings
Translated by Tilmann Zwicker:
7.8 “Specialized” literature poteg-7-8-journalistic-specialties
7.8.1 The fairytales of the primary tone poteg-7-8-1-legend-of-the-primary-tone
7.8.2 “Stratone” poteg-7-8-2-stratone
7.8.3 BS-Journalists poteg-7-8-3-flachjournalismus-(german)
7.9 Does the body wood affect the tone? poteg-7-9-wood-influencing-the-sound—not
7.10 Special bridge constructions poteg-7-10-guitar-bridge-designs
7.10.1 Simple models poteg-7-10-1-equivalent-circuits
7.10.2 Bridges without vibrato (Gibson / Fender) poteg-7-10-2-non-vibrato-bridges
7.10.3 Bridges with vibrato (Fender / Bigsby / Rickenbacker) poteg-7-10-3-bridges-with-vibrato
7.11 Solid vs. semisolid body poteg-7-11-solid-body-vs-hollow-body
7.12 Vibration – soundwaves – sound poteg-7-12-vibration-sound-tone
7.12.1 Linear string oscillations poteg-7-12-1-linear-oscillations
7.12.2 Nonlinear string oscillations poteg-7-12-2-nonlinear-oscillations
7.12.3 The causes of timbre poteg-7-12-3-roots-of-the-electric-sound
7.12.4 So what? poteg-7-12-4-something-anything
7.13 Neck curvature and fret/string distance (“action”) poteg-7-13-neck-relief
7.14 Damping reduction poteg-7-14-undamping-via-vibration
8.1 Tone systems poteg-8-psychoacoustics
8.1.1 Das Pythagorean tone system poteg-8-1-1-pythagorean
8.1.2 Just intonation poteg-8-1-2-just
8.1.3 Tempered intonation poteg-8-1-3-tempered
8.1.4 Equal tempered intervals poteg-8-1-4-tempered-intervals
8.1.5 Typical guitar detuning poteg-8-1-5-6-guitar-detuning-and-stretched-tuning
8.1.6 The stretched intonation
8.2 Frequency and pitch poteg-8-2-frequency-and-pitch
8.2.1 Frequency measurement poteg-8-2-1-frequency-measurement
8.2.2 Frequency and pitch accuracy poteg-8-2-2-accuracy
8.2.3 Pitch detection poteg-8-2-3-pitch-perception
8.2.4 Grouping of partials poteg-8-2-4-partial-grouping
8.2.5 Inharmonicity of partials poteg-8-2-5-inharmonicity
8.3 The character of keys poteg-8-3-character-of-musical-keys
8.4 Consonance and dissonance poteg-8-4-consonance-and-dissonance
8.5 Timing and rhythm poteg-8-5-timing-and-rhythm
8.6 Loudness and timbre poteg-8-6-loudness-and-timbre
8.7 Listening tests poteg-8-7-auditory-experiments
8.7.1 Psychometry poteg-8-7-1-psychometrics
8.7.2 The un-amplified electric guitar poteg-8-7-2-unamplified-guitar
8.7.3 Tactile sensations poteg-8-7-3-tactile-perception
9.1 Potentiometers (Volume- and Tone-Control) poteg-9-1-potentiometers
9.2 Capacitors in the Tone-Control, Tone-Cap poteg-9-2-tone-caps
9.3 Pickup cables poteg-9-3-pu-connecting-wires
9.4 Guitar cables poteg-9-4-guitar-cables
9.5 Metal sheets poteg-9-5-mounting-plates
10.1 The input stage poteg-10-01-preamplifier
10.1.1 The input tube poteg-10-01-01-preamplifier-tube
10.1.2 The tube’s input resistance poteg-10-01-02-tube-input-impedance
10.1.3 Triode charts poteg-10-01-03-characteristic-curves
10.1.4 Nonlinearities, distortion poteg-10-01-04-nonlinearity-distortion
10.1.5 Cutoff frequencies poteg-10-01-05-frequency-limits
10.1.6 Time variances poteg-10-01-06-time-variance
10.1.7 Noise, hum, microphonics poteg-10-01-07-noise-hum-microphonics
10.1.8 Noise processes poteg-10-01-08-noise-processes
10.1.9 Pentodes in the input stage poteg-10-01-09-pentode-preamp
10.2 The second stage poteg-10-02-intermediate-amplifier
10.2.1 Cathode-basis-circuit poteg-10-02-1-common-cathode-circuit
10.2.2 Cathode follower poteg-10-02-2-cathode-follower-circuit
10.2.3 The mixing stage poteg-10-02-3-mixing-stage
10.3 The filter section (Tone Stack) poteg-10-03-tone-controls
10.3.1 Bass-Middle-Treble poteg-10-03-1-tone-stack-bass-middle-treble
10.3.2 Equalizer poteg-10-03-2-equalizers
10.3.3 Presence-Control poteg-10-03-3-presence-control
10.4 Phase reversal (Phase Splitter) poteg-10-04-phase-splitter-driver
10.4.1 Paraphase poteg-10-04-1-paraphase-driver
10.4.2 Cathodyne poteg-10-04-2-split-load-driver
10.4.3 Difference amplifier poteg-10-04-3-differential-amp-long-tail-driver
10.4.4 Halfewave antimetry poteg-10-04-4-half-wave-anti-symmetry
10.5 The power stage poteg-10-05-0-power-stage
10.5.1 Class-A, tetrode, pentode poteg-10-05-1-class-a-single-ended
10.5.2 Class-A push pull poteg-10-05-2-class-a-push-pull
10.5.3 Class-B poteg-10-05-3-class-b-push-pull
10.5.4 Class-AB, class-D poteg-10-05-4-class-ab-push-pull
10.5.5 The impedance paradox poteg-10-05-5-impedance-paradox
10.5.6 Negative feedback poteg-10-05-6-negative-feedback
10.5.7 The source resistance of the power stage poteg-10-05-7-output-impedance
10.5.8 Biasing the power stage poteg-10-05-8-bias
10.5.9 Stress and aging poteg-10-05-9-tube-strain-aging
10.5.10 The magic sound of a 6L6 poteg-10-05-10-6l6-sound
10.5.11 Match Point poteg-10-05-11-matching Selecting, matching (and leg pulling) Tube testing
10.5.12 Selected tube circuits VOX, Marshall, Fender poteg-10-05-12-vox-marshall-fender
10.5.13 Comparing analysis: Power tubes poteg-10-05-13-tube-comparison
10.5.14 Pentode / triode / ultralinear poteg-10-05-14-triode-pentode-ul
10.5.15 A word of caution poteg-10-05-15-current-flows
10.6 The output transformer poteg-11-6-output-transformer
10.6.1 The linear model poteg-10-6-1-linear-model
10.6.2 Impedance matching poteg-10-6-2-impedance-matching
10.6.3 Winding capacitance poteg-10-6-3-winding-capacitance
10.6.4 The nonlinear model poteg-11-6-4-nonlinear-model
10.6.5 Comparing analyses poteg-11-6-5-transformer-comparison
10.6.x At the lab poteg-11-6-pix-from-the-lab
10.7 Power supply poteg-11-7-power-supply
10.7.1 Heating circuit poteg-11-7-1-tube-filament-heater
10.7.2 Filter capacitor poteg-11-7-2-charging-circuit
10.7.3 The internal resistance poteg-11-7-3-impedance
10.7.4 Rectifier tubes poteg-11-7-4-rectifier-tubes
10.7.5 The smoothing filter poteg-11-7-5-filter-chain-capacitors-choke
10.7.6 The mains transformer poteg-11-7-6-mains-power-transformer
10.8 Effects
10.8.1 Reverb poteg-10-08-01-reverb
10.8.2 Vibrato & Tremolo poteg-10-08-02-tremolo-vibrato
10.8.3 Phaser, Flanger & Chorus poteg-10-08-03-phaser-flanger-chorus
10.8.4 Wah-wah-pedal poteg-10-08-04-wah
10.8.5 Distortion devices poteg-10-08-05-distortion-devices Diodes poteg-10-08-05-1-diodes Transistors poteg-10-08-05-2-transistors Range Master (Dallas Arbiter) poteg-10-08-05-3-range-master Tube-Screamer (Ibanez) poteg-10-08-05-4-tube-screamer Fuzz-Face (Dallas Arbiter) poteg-10-08-05-5-fuzz-face Roaring semiconductors poteg-10-08-05-6-the-roaring-transistor
10.9 Operational behavior poteg-10-09-general-operating-characteristics
10.9.1 Tube-sound vs. transistor-sound poteg-10-09-1-tube-vs-transistor-sound
10.9.2 Tube-Watt vs. transistor-Watt poteg-10-09-2-tube-watts-vs-transistors-watts
10.9.3 Coupling capacitors poteg-10-09-3-coupling-capacitors
10.9.4 Sound event vs. listening event poteg-10-09-4-sound-event-vs-auditory-event
10.10 Comparative analyses poteg-10-10-comparative-analysis
10.10.1 … for they knew what they did? poteg-10-10-1-did-they-know
10.10.2 Stage topology poteg-10-10-2-topology
10.10.3 Headroom charts poteg-10-10-3-headroom-chart
10.10.4 Comparison of nonlinear distortions poteg-10-10-4-distortion-comparison
10.10.5 Audibility of nonlinear distortion poteg-10-10-5-distortion-audibility
10.10.6 Comparison of Frequency responses poteg-10-10-6-frequency-responses
10.10.7 Comparison of VOX, Fender & Marshall poteg-10-10-7-vox-fender-marshall
10.10.8 Modeling amps poteg-10-10-8-modeling-amps
10.11 Tube data
10.11.1 Nomenclature poteg-10-11-1-tube-data-nomenclature
10.11.2 Double triodes poteg-10-11-2-double-triodes
10.11.3 Power tubes poteg-10-11-3-power-tubes
10.11.4 Tube parameters poteg-10-11-4-tube-parameters
11.1 Construction and function poteg-11-1-construction-and-function
11.2 Electrical two-pole characteristic poteg-11-2-two-pole-characteristic
11.3 Frequency response poteg-11-3-frequency-response
11.4 Directional characteristic poteg-11-4-directionality
11.5 Efficiency and maximum sound pressure poteg-11-5-efficiency-maximum-SPL
11.6 Nonlinear distortions poteg-11-6-non-linear-distortion
11.7 Alnico- vs. ferrite magnet poteg-11-7-magnets-alnico-vs-ceramic
11.8 Loudspeaker cabinets
11.8.1 Basics poteg-11-8-1-enclosures-and-boxes-basics
11.8.2 Comparison of cabinet materials poteg-11-8-2-enclosure-materials
11.9 Beamblockers and Diffusors poteg-11-9-beam-blockers-diffusors
11.10 Horn loudspeakers poteg-11-10-horns
11.11 Studio monitors poteg-11-11-studio-monitors
11.12 Loudspeaker cables poteg-11-12-loudspeaker-cables
11.A Supplement: Measurement techniques poteg-11-A-measuring-microphones-reverberation-time
11.A.1 Measuring microphones
11.A.2 Reverberation time
A.1 Oscillations vs. waves A-1-vibrations-&-waves
A.1.1 Forced oscillations
A.1.2 Free oscillations
A.1.3 Forced waves
A.1.4 Free waves
A.1.5 Standing waves
A.2 Longitudinal waves A-2-longitudinal-waves
A.2.1 Pure longitudinal waves
A.2.2 Dilatational waves in strings
A.3 Transversal waves A-3-transverse-waves
A.3.1 Pure transversal waves
A.3.2 Transversal waves in strings
A.4 Bending waves A-4-flexural-waves
A.4.1 Bars under zero tension, pure bending waves
A.4.2 Vibrations of a stiff string
A.4.3 Eigenmodes of bending waves
A.5 Characteristic impedance A-5-wave-impedance
A.6 Stiffness A-6-stiffness
A.7 Impulses A-7-impulses
A.8 The Ultimate end: the Cryo-Schlock A-8-unltimate-end-with-cryo-schlock
Some aspects of
can be more readily understood by considering the collection of corresponding