What’s in a Name: PotEG has something to say about Well-Known Amps

10.10 Comparative analyses poteg-10-10-comparative-analysis 10.10.1 … for they knew what they did? poteg-10-10-1-did-they-know 10.10.2 Stage topology poteg-10-10-2-topology 10.10.3 Headroom charts poteg-10-10-3-headroom-chart 10.10.4 Comparison of nonlinear distortions poteg-10-10-4-distortion-comparison 10.10.5 Audibility of nonlinear distortion poteg-10-10-5-distortion-audibility 10.10.6 Comparison of Frequency responses poteg-10-10-6-frequency-responses 10.10.7 Comparison of VOX, Fender & Marshall poteg-10-10-7-vox-fender-marshall 10.10.8 Modeling amps poteg-10-10-8-modeling-amps

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